18 Essential Habits That Will Change Your Life Forever

Our lives are built from the building blocks of our habits.

We develop both good and bad habits and they have come to define who we are and where we are going.

Developing good habits is essential in living a more fulfilling life and making an impact in the world.

Here are 25 habits you can start working on today.

Your Body, Your Health
You only have one body, so you have to take care of it as best you can.

1. Regularly go for physical check-ups. If you haven't made an appointment with your doctor, do it now. When you keep yourself healthy, you keep yourself happy.

2. Get enough sleep. An exhausted mind is never a creative one. 

3. Quit smoking.

4. Substitute unhealthy cravings with healthy ones. Instead of drinking to drown your sorrows. Why not read? Or better yet, take a jog.

5. Hydrate regularly. Water is one of the most important substances we take. Without it we can barely survive the week. So drink water in the morning, just when you wake up and whenever you feel thirsty. Don not wait!

6. Eat only when hungry. Most people struggle with overeating. Sometimes it's due to emotions, other times it's just by being bored. Become more active and you won't even think about food.

7. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Regular exercise has extra added benefits that aren't just physical but psychological as well. Regular exercise is essential especially if your regular routine(e.g work and school) doesn't involve much movement.

8. Fruit up. Add more fruits to your diet. When you have a craving for candy and other sweets, it's actually a craving for sugar. Fruits contain this sugar in healthier proportions and are easily satisfying.

9. Drink less alcohol or none at all. It is true that alcohol (specifically wine) taking in moderation is healthy but would it be worth it if you can't control yourself.

Your Mind, Your Inspiration
Just as we are supposed to take are of our bodies, our minds need the same treatment.

10. Learn to prioritize. Don't get overwhelmed with things that can be easily. Get your most important tasks over with and there will be less of a burden on you in future.

11. Ask for help when you need it. Swallow your pride. If you don't know something don't be afraid to ask for it.

12. Read more. Go to your local book store or library and pick out a book with the intention of finishing it. You learn more and therefore be more.

13. Plan. Plan what tomorrow will be like. Plan next week. Take steps that will prepare you for almost anything.

14. Automation. There a lot of tasks that we have to do everyday, why not automate them? Technology can be used for this. So if possible grab an app that will make things easier for you.

15. Set aside some ME time. Take a few minutes a day to just relax or do whatever you want. Preferably something that you enjoy.

16. Learn the art of "doing one thing well." Even Steve Jobs did it, rather than concentrating on a lot of different things and splitting your attention and quality, do one thing at a time and give it your all.

17. Smile. Your always ugly when you're upset. Smile more, even to complete strangers. Share your joy with the world.

18. Be yourself. Don't try to be like other people because if you do, you will never be better. Be your own person and have your own opinions. Don't be afraid to express them when appropriate.

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